Cashew cake recipe in an “Easter bunny shape”

I love challenges. So….. A customer asked me to make a Cashew cake in the shape of a Easter bunny. A “Bolo di Cashupete” (Cashew cake) is normally baked in a round cake pan and decorated with cherries.
I accepted the challenge and Voila. I am very proud of the result. Happy Birthday Hayley!
The recipe:
Preheated the oven at 175 degree C.
Cake batter
Ingredients :
  • 500g butter,
  • 450gr sugar ,
  • 1 teaspoon bakingpowder,
  • 10 eggs,
  • 3tl vanilla flavor,
  • 2tl almond flavor,
  • 500g self-raising flour,

  • Mix the butter with sugar until creamy,
  • Ad the eggs one by one, and keep mixing,
  • When the eggs are incorporated in the butter and sugar mixture, you can ad the flour, vanilla essence and almond essence. Don’t forget to sift the flour to take out the lumps,
  • Keep mixing the cake batter till the flour is incorporate and you get a creamy and fluffy cake batter,

  • Put the cake batter in a 25 diameter cake pan and bake the cake for About 1 hour and 20 minutes or untill it’s done!  
  • You can check if the cake is ready by adding a toothpick into the cake. If the toothpick came out dry then your cake is ready, otherwise you need to put it back in the oven for a few minutes,

Let your cake cool completly before adding the cashew frosting on your cake. When your cake is completely cool you can cut the cake into one or two layers. Insert a toothpick in each layer so you can establish the layers back correctly.
cashew frosting
Ingredients :
  • 750g unsalted cashews,
  • 150gr sugar,
  • 1 can condensed milk,
  • 500ml of water,
  • Alcohol to taste (such as amaretto , Bacardi etc. .. )
  • Lemon extract,

  • Grind the cashews,
  • Store some cashews to garnish the cake with,
  • Put the sugar and water in a pan and let it cook until the water and sugar turned into a thick syrup (not caremelized!!!),
  • Add the condensed milk, and stir with a wooden spoon until the condensed milk is completely dissolved,
  • Reduce the heat and add the ground cashew into the pan and stir everything well,

  • If the mixture is too thick you can put a little bit of lemon extract,
  • If the mixture is too watery then you can put a little bit of alcohol to make it thicker,
  • Remove the mixture from the heat and fillled immediately the cake layers with the frosting,

After filling the cake, used the rest of the cashew frosting to covered the cake with. Used the cashews that you stored, to garnish the cake in the way you want.
 Have fun making the cake Cashew!
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It’s a browny’s thing…

2 thoughts on “Cashew cake recipe in an “Easter bunny shape”

  1. Anonymous april 26, 2014 at 2:58 pm

    hi , ilove this cake , tried making ( another similiar recipe not yours) it -in taste turned out great however the assembly didnt turn out great .Even though i cooled the cashew creme before spreading on cake ..the lower half of the cake expanded while the top one was the actual size . dunno what i did wrong .not only did the creme taste very sweet ,the appearnce was dissapointing . Any suggestions as to what went wrong

  2. Ludinaira Roberto april 26, 2014 at 3:32 pm

    Hi, First of all thanks for your message. I can't tell you for sure what went wrong because I don't know the recipe that you use to make this cake. What did exactly expand the cake itself??? Maybe the cake was not cool enough. Try my recipe and see how it's turn out.

    Let me know if you have more questions about the recipe itself


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